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Cartoonist, illustrator
Creator of cartoons, illustrations, drawings and paintings.









Cemonc cartoons
The illustrations & cartoons of Cemonc often involve some philosophical comment, intent or observation. Humorous, sometimes mildly ironic or sarcastic, occasionally poignant and moving, his work addresses human failures and shortcomings, human weakness and powerlessness in a variety of matters: the needs and motivations of individual people; some of his work points out cliches, dogmas and things that people consider to be true. Making use of a variety of styles of expression
, Cemonc sometimes also combines diverse elements of style in one and the same drawing, cartoon or painting.

The drawings of Cemonc
His work-poetic, sometimes personal, sometimes tranquil and hushed in their expression - combines various elements, while his diverse use of line plays a strong role.

The paintings of Cemonc
The paintings of Cemonc are eclectic, combining various styles and a great variety of elements. These span the gamut from magical realism to cartoons, comic strips and pop-art. The themes of these works vary from political machinations to the beauty of nature - and from prayer and angels to prostitutes. Glowing with color, rich in visual rhythm, the paintings often seem more akin to cartoons.


pdf of visual report

exhibition congress centre